Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic DAVIDOVICIU, Adrian (autor) Fachtagung Prozessrechner 1977 1152-1153
articol de periodic ANH, V.V. (autor) , TUAN, P.D. (autor) On beta-convexity of certain starlike univalent functions 1413-1424
articol de periodic BUTNARIU, Dan (autor) A fixed point therem and its apoplications to Fuzzy games 1425-1432
articol de periodic DIMCA, Alexandru (autor) Two remarks on transversality 1433-1435
articol de periodic FAUKNER, G.D. (autor) , HUNEYCUTT, J.E. (autor) Convolution iterates of Banach Algeria valued measures 1437-1443
articol de periodic O'MALLEY, Richard (autor) Insertion of Baire *1, Darboux functions 1445-1448
articol de periodic MUHLBACH, Gunter (autor) A remark on calculating with B-splines 1449-1450
articol de periodic ONICESCU, Octav (autor) , SOFONEA, Liviu (autor) Un modele geometrique a connexions non symetriques et quelques interpretations physiques 1451-1465
articol de periodic PĂUN, Gheorghe (autor) Marcus contextual grammars and languages . A survey 1467-1486
articol de periodic PETRILA, Titus (autor) Une nouvelle methode pour l'etude de l'ecoulement produit par le deplacement d'un systeme de n profils mobiles dans un fluide ideal 1487-1504
articol de periodic SRIVASTAVA, G.S. (autor) The mean values of a subharmonic function 1505-1512
articol de periodic TUDOR, Constantin (autor) An invariance principle for Markov processes with two-dimensional time parameter 1513-1523
articol de periodic VASILESCU, F.H. (autor) A uniqueness result in operator theory 1525-1541
articol de periodic VRÎNCEANU, Gheorghe (autor) Sur les fondements de la geometrie differentielle 1543-1549
articol de periodic ANDREIAN, CAZACU (autor) Advances in Complex Function Theory 1551-1551
articol de periodic ANDREIAN, CAZACU (autor) Symposium on Complex Analysis 1551-1551
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor) Stability Theory and Existence of periodic solution and Almost Periodic Solutions - Yoshizawa T. 1551-1152
articol de periodic DINCĂ, Ștefan (autor) Introduction to Linear Algebra - Farkas Irene, Farkas Miklos 1553-1554
articol de periodic DINCĂ, Ștefan (autor) Determinated und Matritzen - Neiss F. Liermann H. 1554-1554
articol de periodic DINCĂ, Ștefan (autor) Lectures in Abstract Algebra II. Linear Algebra - Jacobson Nathan 1554-1554
articol de periodic IOSIFESCU, Marius (autor) Probabylity Theory I-Ii - Loeve M. 1554-1555
articol de periodic IOSIFESCU, Marius (autor) An Introduction to Methematical Modeling - Bender Edward 1555-1555
articol de periodic IOSIFESCU, Marius (autor) Multiple Criteria Decision Making 1555-1556
articol de periodic IOSIFESCU, Marius (autor) I.J. Bienayme: Statistical Theory Anticipated - Heyde C.C., Seneta E. 1556-1557
articol de periodic PASCALI, Dan (autor) Mathematical Aspects of Finite Element Methods 1557-1557
articol de periodic PASCALI, Dan (autor) Function Theoretic Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1557-1557
articol de periodic SBURLAN, Silviu (autor) Foundations of Optimization - Bazaraa M.S., Shetty C.M. 1557-1557
articol de periodic SBURLAN, Silviu (autor) Variational Methods in Statisticals - Rustagi J.S. 1558-1558
articol de periodic POPESCU, Nicolae (autor) Endliche Gruppen Eine Einfuhrung in die Theorie der enslichen Gruppen - Kurzwell H. 1558-1558
articol de periodic TOMESCU, Ioan (autor) Introductory graph theory - Andrasfai Bela 1558-1559
articol de periodic TOMESCU, Ioan (autor) Grapherntheorie mit Algorithmen und Anvendungen - Noltemeier H. 1559-1559