Criterii căutate

Sumarul căutării

  • 6 articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 1995 Romanian Reports in Physics, 47-3-5 BICA, Doina (autor) Preparation of magnetic fluids for various applications 265-272
articol de periodic 1995 Romanian Reports in Physics, 47-3-5 SPÎNU, Viorica (autor) , FILOTI, G. (autor) , BICA, Doina (autor) , BĂLĂȚOIU, Maria (autor) , CRIȘAN, O. (autor) Mossbauer spectroscopy studies of fine Fe3O4 particles contained in magnetic fluids 299-306
articol de periodic 1995 Romanian Reports in Physics, 47-3-5 SOFONEA, Victor (autor) , BICA, Doina (autor) , PERZYNSKI, Regine (autor) , HASMONAY, Eric (autor) , BASCRI, Jean-Claude (autor) Magneto-optical investigations on micvrostructural processes in magnetic fluids 307-317
articol de periodic 1995 Romanian Reports in Physics, 47-3-5 BĂLĂȚOIU, Maria (autor) , GRANCEV, B. (autor) , BICA, Doina (autor) The study of particle structure, interparticle interractions and dynamics in ferrofluids by small angle scattering of neutrons 319-325
articol de periodic 1995 Romanian Reports in Physics, 47-3-5 SCHOTT, Michael (autor) , VEKAS, Ladislau (autor) , BICA, Doina (autor) Rheological and magnetotheological behaviour of some magnetic fluids with various concentrations 411-418
articol de periodic 2006 Romanian Reports in Physics, 58-3 VEKAS, Ladislau (autor) , BICA, Doina (autor) , MARINICĂ, Oana (autor) Magnetic nanofluids stabilized with various chain length surfactants 257-267