articol de periodic |
1965 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 10-6 |
DIMA, Mihai (autor)
SCONDAC, Ioan (autor)
CODRUȚ, Gheorghe (autor)
CARPOV, Adrian (autor)
POINESCU, Ignat (autor)
Polyelectrolytes a base de polymeres vinyle-aliphatiques. V. La structure des echangeurs de cations polyene-sulfoniques a base de chlorure de polyvinyle |
559-570 |
articol de periodic |
1965 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 10-7 |
SCONDAC, Ioan (autor)
POINESCU, Ignat (autor)
CARPOV, Adrian (autor)
COTRUȚ, Gheorghe (autor)
DIMA, Mihai (autor)
Polyelectrolytes a base de polymeres vinylealiphatiques. VI. Relations entre la structure et cernaines caracteristiques des echangeurs de cations polyene-sulfoniques a base de chlorure de polyvinyle |
659-672 |
articol de periodic |
1966 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 11-5 |
POINESCU, Ignat (autor)
CARPOV, Adrian (autor)
DIMA, Mihai (autor)
Sulphonation of the styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer by sulphur trioxide |
573-580 |
articol de periodic |
1970 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 15-3 |
POINESCU, Ignat (autor)
MAXIM, Steliana (autor)
CARPOV, Adrian (autor)
Synthesis of the sulphuric ester of poly(VI-nyl alcohool) |
441-450 |
articol de periodic |
1972 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 17-11 |
CARPOV, Adrian (autor)
DRĂGAN, Demetra (autor)
PETRARIU, I. (autor)
Sur l'amination des copolymeres macroporeux styrene-divinyl-benzene chloromethyles avec la dimethyl-2-hydroxyethylamine |
1923-1934 |
articol de periodic |
1975 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 20-3 |
CARPOV, Adrian (autor)
DRĂGAN, Demetra (autor)
MOCANU, Georgeta (autor)
LUCA, Cornelia (autor)
Studies on the synthesis and characterization of weakly basic anion-exchange resins. I. Amination of chloromethylated macroporous ternary styrene-divinylbenzene-acrylic monomer copolymers with dimethylamine |
407-419 |
articol de periodic |
1975 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 20-3 |
DRĂGAN, Demetra (autor)
MOCANU, Georgeta (autor)
CARPOV, Adrian (autor)
Studies on the synthesis and characterization of weakly basic anion-exchange resins. II. On the nature of the functional groups |
421-433 |
articol de periodic |
1975 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 20-3 |
DRĂGAN, Demetra (autor)
MOCANU, Georgeta (autor)
CARPOV, Adrian (autor)
Studies on the synthesis and characterization of weakly basic anion-exchange resins. III. Operating characteristics |
435-444 |
articol de periodic |
1976 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 21-7 |
CARPOV, Adrian (autor)
MAXIM, Steliana (autor)
DIMA, Mihai (autor)
Growth regulating polymers. II. The poly(N,N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate salts) of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic and 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acids |
1097-1102 |
articol de periodic |
1978 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 23-11-12 |
LUCA, Cornelia (autor)
CHIȚANU, Gabriela (autor)
PETRARIU, I. (autor)
AIRINEI, A. (autor)
CARPOV, Adrian (autor)
Retentin of organic anions on strongly basic macroporous ion-exchangers |
1635-1649 |
articol de periodic |
1980 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 25-2 |
DRĂGAN, Demetra (autor)
CARPOV, Adrian (autor)
Chemical modification of polymers. I. Reaction of vinyl chloroacetate copolymers with some herbicidal sodium phenoxides |
285-293 |
articol de periodic |
1980 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 25-3 |
DRĂGAN, Demetra (autor)
CARPOV, Adrian (autor)
Chemical modification of polymers. II. Reaction of poly(vinyl-&-chloroacetophenone) with some herbicidal sodium phenoxides |
425-433 |
articol de periodic |
1983 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 28-1 |
CARPOV, Adrian (autor)
Macromolecular chemistry. Vol. 1 - Jenkins A.D., Kennedy J.F. |
79-80 |
articol de periodic |
1989 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 34-4 |
POINESCU, Ignat (autor)
CARPOV, Adrian (autor)
Relationships between crosslinked copolymer synthesis and their features |
1061-1073 |
articol de periodic |
1989 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 34-8 |
CARPOV, Adrian (autor)
Development in ionic Polymers . Wilson A.D. |
1811-1812 |
articol de periodic |
2002 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 47-10-11 |
CHIȚANU, Gabrielle (autor)
POIATA, Antonia (autor)
BUMBU, Gina (autor)
VASILE, Cornelia (autor)
RINAUDO, Marguerite (autor)
CARPOV, Adrian (autor)
Macromolecular disinfectans: conjugates of maleic anhydride copolymers with phenolic derivatives |
1205-1212 |
articol de periodic |
2005 |
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 50-7-8 |
CHIȚANU, Gabrielle (autor)
POPESCU, Irina (autor)
CARPOV, Adrian (autor)
Synthesis and characterization of malefic anhydrine copolymers and their derivatives. I. Addition polymerization - literature survey |
589-599 |
articol de periodic |
1954 |
Studii și Cercetări de Chimie, ii-3-4 |
DIMA, Mihai (autor)
DIACONESCU, Elena (autor)
CARPOV, Adrian (autor)
ȘERBAN, E. (autor)
Prepararea permutiților anorganici din materii prime indigene |
139-155 |
articol de periodic |
1965 |
Studii și Cercetări de Chimie, 13-6 |
CARPOV, Adrian (autor)
POINESCU, Ignat (autor)
SCONDAC, Ioan (autor)
POPESCU, Florin (autor)
COTRUȚ, Gheorghe (autor)
DIMA, Mihai (autor)
Polielectroliți pe baza de polimeri vinilalifatici. IV. Căteva caracteristici fizico-chimice ale cationilor poliensulfonici pe baza de policlorură de vinil |
555-566 |
articol de periodic |
1965 |
Studii și Cercetări de Chimie, 13-6 |
DIMA, Mihai (autor)
SCONDAC, Ioan (autor)
COTRUȚ, Gheorghe (autor)
CARPOV, Adrian (autor)
POINESCU, Ignat (autor)
Polielectroliți pe bază de polimeri vinilalifatici. V. Structura cationilor poliensulfonici pe bază de policlorurp de vinil |
567-577 |
articol de periodic |
1965 |
Studii și Cercetări de Chimie, 13-7 |
SCONDAC, Ioan (autor)
POINESCU, Ignat (autor)
CARPOV, Adrian (autor)
COTRUȚ, Gheorghe (autor)
DIMA, Mihai (autor)
Polielrctroliți pe baza de polimeri vinilalifatici. VI. Relații între structură și unele caracteristici ale cationiților polirnsulfonici pe bază de policlorură de vinil |
695-707 |