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Contents |
3-6 |
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NICOLAE, Ion (autor)
BUȘE-DRAGOMIR, Luminița (autor)
Physiological research regarding the influence of the pathogen attack produced by Elsinoe rosarum JENKINS & BIT ANC. in the rose plants (Rosa sp.) |
Vegetal Biology / Biologie vegetală |
7-12 |
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DOBRESCU, Codruța Mihaela (autor)
SOARE, Liliana Cristina (autor)
Research on bryophytes from Ochiu Lake |
Vegetal Biology / Biologie vegetală |
13-16 |
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RĂDUȚOIU, Daniel (autor)
COSTACHE, Iulian (autor)
Areal limits in the Romanian territory: Aphanes australis RYDBERG 1908 |
Vegetal Biology / Biologie vegetală |
17-20 |
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ALEXIU, Valeriu (autor)
Chorological studies of some medicinal plants from sozological categories of the mountain – flora of Argeș County |
Vegetal Biology / Biologie vegetală |
21-24 |
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CHIRIȚOIU, Magdalena (autor)
Considerations regarding the Association Veratretum albi PUȘCARU et al. 1956 in the southern Carpathians |
Vegetal Biology / Biologie vegetală |
25-30 |
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VINTILĂ, Adriana (autor)
The anthropogenic potential impact on flora in Ghițu-Moliviș Area (Argeș County) |
Vegetal Biology / Biologie vegetală |
31-34 |
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POIRAS, Larisa (autor)
Species diversity and distribution of free-living and plant parasitic nematodes from
order Dorylaimida (Nematoda) in different habitats of the Republic of Moldova |
Animal Biology / Biologie animală |
35-42 |
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BIVOL, Alexei (autor)
POIRAS, Nadejda (autor)
POIRAS, Larisa (autor)
Species diversity of nematode communites of the rapeseed (Brassica napus) and their economic importance in the Republic of Moldova |
Animal Biology / Biologie animală |
43-47 |
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LOTREAN, Nicolae (autor)
Contributions to the knowledge of the spider fauna from the National Park Buila Vânturarița, county Vâlcea (Romania) |
Animal Biology / Biologie animală |
48-56 |
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STAHI, Nadejda (autor)
DERJANSCHI, Valeriu (autor)
The spatial structure of orthopteran communities from the Scientific Reserve "Codrii'' from the Republic of Moldova |
Animal Biology / Biologie animală |
57-62 |
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LILA, Gima (autor)
Data regarding the presence of Cybister (scaphinectes) lateralimarginalis (DEGEER
1774) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) in the entomological fauna of Dolj county (Romania) |
Animal Biology / Biologie animală |
63-66 |
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BABAN, Elena (autor)
Diversity of coleopterans (Coleoptera: Carabidae. Rhysodidae. Silphidae. Scarabaeidae, Cucujidae, Cerambycidae) from the ''Codri" scientific reserve of the Republic of Moldova |
Animal Biology / Biologie animală |
67-72 |
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ŠUSTEK, Zbyšek (autor)
Changes in carabid communities (Insecta: Coleoptera) along an urbanization gradient in Madrid (Spain) |
Animal Biology / Biologie animală |
73-92 |
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STÂNGACI, Aurelia (autor)
Some biological, ecological and microbiological control data regarding the
attack of the fall webworm moth (Hyphantria cunea DRURY), a dangerous pest in the
agricultural, ornamental and forest plantations in the Republic of Moldova |
Animal Biology / Biologie animală |
93-98 |
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BĂRBUCEANU, Daniela (autor)
ANDRIESCU, Ionel (autor)
The parasitoid complex of Eupoecilia ambiguella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in a vineyard of southern Romania |
Animal Biology / Biologie animală |
99-104 |
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ZGURSCHI, Gabriela (autor)
PĂUNESCU, Alina (autor)
MARINESCU, Alexandru Gabriel (autor)
Research on the changes of some physiological parameters in Prussian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio BLOCH 1782) under the action of phenol |
Animal Biology / Biologie animală |
105-108 |
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GOGA, Ionelia Claudia (autor)
TÂMBURESCU, Constanța (autor)
Infestation of gibel carp Carassius auralus gibelio (Cyprinidae) with Piscicola geometra (Hirudinea, Rhynchobdellida) |
Animal Biology / Biologie animală |
109-113 |
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PĂUNESCU, Alina (autor)
PONEPAL, Maria Cristina (autor)
DIMA, Romulus (autor)
GRIGOREAN, Valentin Titus (autor)
POPESCU, Mihai (autor)
Histopathological changes in marsh frog (Pelophylax ridibundus) lung tissue induced by the action of Roundup® herbicide |
Animal Biology / Biologie animală |
114-118 |
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PAPADOPOL, Nicolae (autor)
CURLIȘCĂ, Angelica (autor)
STAN, Geta (autor)
Observations regarding the stocking solutions in to aquatic enclosures, under controlled conditions, while preserving the balance between ichthyological livestock and a small population of Pelecanus onocrolalus |
Animal Biology / Biologie animală |
119-122 |
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RIDICHE, Mirela Sabina (autor)
BĂLESCU, Carmen (autor)
Preliminary study on the avifauna in Radovan locality area (Dolj County, Romania) |
Animal Biology / Biologie animală |
123-132 |
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ANTONE, Veronica (autor)
URSU, Nicoleta (autor)
Aspects concerning reproductive behaviour of European moutlon (Ovis ammon mussimon) into enclosures from Romania |
Animal Biology / Biologie animală |
133-136 |
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PĂCEȘILĂ, Ioan (autor)
Biotic and abiotic factors controlling organic matter decomposition in aquatic ecosystems of Sfântu Gheorghe Branch, the Danube Delta |
Ecology - Environmental protection / Ecologie - protecţia mediului |
137-143 |
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ONETE, Marilena (autor)
Assessment and conservation status of ferns from Buila-Vânturarița National
Park |
Ecology - Environmental protection / Ecologie - protecţia mediului |
144-148 |
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BEGU, Adam (autor)
The possibility and efficiency of bioindication method in forest air quality monitoring |
Ecology - Environmental protection / Ecologie - protecţia mediului |
149-152 |
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PĂTRUȘCĂ, Daniela Alina (autor)
POPA, Daniela (autor)
Aspects concerning growing floricultural species Hydrangea macrophylla on the substrate with compost and microorganisms present in these substrates |
Ecology - Environmental protection / Ecologie - protecţia mediului |
153-156 |
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BRÂNZEA, Gheorghița (autor)
Study on the biomass and productivity of Lumbricidae populations in the deciduous ecosystem |
Ecology - Environmental protection / Ecologie - protecţia mediului |
157-162 |
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BÂRSAN, Ciprian (autor)
RÂȘNOVEANU, Geta (autor)
IGNAT, Gheorghe (autor)
CRISTOFOR, Sergiu (autor)
The actual state of the benthic fauna in the inner Danube Delta, Romania |
Ecology - Environmental protection / Ecologie - protecţia mediului |
163-170 |
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VLĂDUȚU, Alina-Mihaela (autor)
Zoobenthic structure of the Topolog river |
Ecology - Environmental protection / Ecologie - protecţia mediului |
171-176 |
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PURICE, Dorina (autor)
CIOBOIU, Olivia (autor)
Particularities of the epigeic invertebrates populations on the rocky habitats from the Doftana Valley (Prahova County) |
Ecology - Environmental protection / Ecologie - protecţia mediului |
177-182 |
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CIOBOIU, Olivia (autor)
BREZEANU, Gheorghe (autor)
Structural particularities of certain springs within the lower hydrographic basin of the Jiu river |
Ecology - Environmental protection / Ecologie - protecţia mediului |
183-186 |
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AXINI, Monica (autor)
Gastropods diversity in Conacu-Negrești Valley |
Ecology - Environmental protection / Ecologie - protecţia mediului |
187-192 |
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PRIFTI, Irakli (autor)
UȚĂ, Andreea (autor)
Relationship of Sazani and Ionian zones based on biostratigraphical data and tectonic facts |
Mineralogy - Paleontology / Mineralogie - Paleontologie |
193-202 |
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VASILE, Ștefan (autor)
CSIKI-SAVA, Zoltán (autor)
Maastrichtian continental gastropods from Fărcădeana (Rusca Montană Basin, Romania) |
Mineralogy - Paleontology / Mineralogie - Paleontologie |
203-210 |
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VASILE, Ștefan (autor)
PANAITESCU, Dragoș (autor)
ȘTIUCĂ, Emanoil (autor)
VIRÁG, Attila (autor)
Additional proboscidean fossils trom Mavrodin (Teleorman County, Romania) |
Mineralogy - Paleontology / Mineralogie - Paleontologie |
211-218 |
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CORNEANU, Mihaela (autor)
CORNEANU, Gabriel (autor)
COJOCARU, Luminița (autor)
LĂCĂTUȘU, Anca-Rovena (autor)
Investigations to detect ecosystem disturbances under the intluence of anthropogenic factors |
Scientific essays / Referate |
219-228 |
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HATUNOĞLU, Yavuz (autor)
HATUNOĞLU, Așkım (autor)
KERKMANN, Gina Raluca (autor)
Preliminary data regarding the evaluation of the students' environmental protection behaviour |
Scientific essays / Referate |
229-233 |
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NEACȘU, Petre (autor)
CIOBOIU, Olivia (autor)
Forerunners of the ecologica) thinking (the 16th – the 19th centuries) |
Scientific essays / Referate |
234-236 |
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CAZAN, Oana Mihaela (autor)
In Memoriam PhD. Mircea Vlădoi (1946–2011) |
Commemoration / Comemorare |
237-239 |
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Recommendations regarding the elaboration of the papers for the scientific journal
"Oltenia. Studii și comunicări. Științele Naturii" |
240-241 |
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