Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic ABIAN, Alexander (autor) On set-theoretical models and the independence of set-theoretical axioms 441-448
articol de periodic BOBOC, Nicolae (autor) , BUCUR, Gheorghe (autor) Espaces localement convexes ordonnes. Espaces simpliciaux et leurs duals 449-464
articol de periodic BOWNDS, John (autor) On the Darboux-Neugebauer property of abd a problem of S. Marcus 465-469
articol de periodic CONSTANTINESCU, Corneliu (autor) Weak completeness of the cone of positive superharmonic functions on a harmonic space 471-482
articol de periodic CRISTESCU, Romulus (autor) Integrales de Hellinger dans les espaces lineaires ordonnes 483-486
articol de periodic DAVIS, William (autor) Positive bases in Banach spaces 487-492
articol de periodic FRĂȚILĂ, Elena (autor) Une methode statistique d'evaluer la longueur d'un arc de courbe spatiale 493-498
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor) On the neutral stability of the couette flow between two rotating cylinders 499-502
articol de periodic LOSFELD, J. (autor) Une generalisation de la quantite d'information de Fisher et de l'inegalite de Cramer-Rao 503-515
articol de periodic MARCOV, Nicolae (autor) Les transformees de Fouriers de quelques distributions 517-527
articol de periodic MARONI, Pascal (autor) La resolution d'une equations des ondes avex une condition frontiere non lineaire 529-550
articol de periodic MOGYORODI, J. (autor) A remark on limiting distributions for sums of a random number of independent random varieables 551-557
articol de periodic MORSE, Marston (autor) Subordinate quadratic forms and their complementary forms 559-569
articol de periodic OKUBO, Tanjiro (autor) Cross-section theorems on the tangent Bundle over a generalized space of paths 571-582
articol de periodic ROȘCA, Radu (autor) Sur la semi-transformation asymptotique des courbes isotropes U d'zb espace.tempes de Ninkowski, et certaines varietes isotropes qui se deduisent de I. 583-587
articol de periodic SOLOMON, Liviu (autor) Difficulties and necessary precautions in using Richter's and Noll+s symposium in the theory of non-linear deformation 599-607
articol de periodic SZASZ, Ferenc (autor) Ideals of a ring with modular intersection 609-616
articol de periodic ȘANDRU, Petru (autor) Complexes cubiques Km(f) 617-638
articol de periodic ONICESCU, Octav (autor) Les antimonies de la theorie des ensembles et la fonction logique de l'objet 639-640
articol de periodic ANDONE, A. (autor) Introduction to Analysis - Kripke Bernard 641-641
articol de periodic ANDREIAN, CAZACU (autor) Capacity functions - Rario I., Oikawa K. 641-643
articol de periodic COLOJOARĂ, I. (autor) The general theory of quantized filds. Lertures in applied mathematics 643-643
articol de periodic COROI-NEDELCU, Mariana (autor) Exercises de combinatorique avec solutions - Kaufmann A., Coste E. 644-644
articol de periodic COROI-NEDELCU, Mariana (autor) Maltrise d'E.E.A. Exercices et problemes - Decuyper M., Peonard L., Rouxel B. 644-644
articol de periodic GEORGESCUGEORGE (autor) Einfuhrung in die operative Logik und Mathetik - Lorenzen Paul 645-645
articol de periodic GUIAȘU, Silviu (autor) Random Processes and Learning - Iosifescu Marius, Theodorescu Radu 645-646
articol de periodic IOSIFESCU, Marius (autor) A Riemann-type integral that includes Lebesque-Stieltjes, Bochner and statistic integrals - McShane.J. 646-647
articol de periodic IOSIFESCU, Marius (autor) Denjoi integration in abstract spaces - Solomon Donald 647-647
articol de periodic IOSIFESCU, Marius (autor) Problemes de statistique mathematique - Barra J.K., Baille A. 647-648
articol de periodic IOSIFESCU, Marius (autor) An introduction in the approximation of functions - Tivlin T.J. 648-648
articol de periodic RUDEANU, Sergiu (autor) Lineaire Wirtschaftsalgebera - Eine eifuhrung. Vol I. - Jaeger A., Wenke K. 649-650
articol de periodic TEODORESCU, P. (autor) Calculus. Vol II - Apostol T. 650-650
articol de periodic VĂDUVA, I. (autor) Mathematical Statistics - van der Waerden L.R. 650-651
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, George (autor) Logic and Foundations of Mathematics 654-645