articol de periodic |
AMATO, Francesco (autor)
Curve autopaeallele associte all'algebra dei quaternioni |
601-613 |
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BLATTZER, Jorg (autor)
Weiteste Funkte und nachste punkte |
615-621 |
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DEDIU, Mihai (autor)
On the Lens spaces |
623-627 |
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DRĂGANU, Mircea (autor)
Sur la resolution de l'equation du transport des neutrons monoenergetiques a diffusion snisotropiqur lineaire dans le cas plan non staionnaire |
629-636 |
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DUMA, Andrei (autor)
Zur knickstelliheorie mehrerer varenderlichen |
637-639 |
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GHEORGHIU, Octavian (autor)
Funktionalgleichungssysteme der funktionen sinus und cosinus |
641-647 |
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IOSIFESCU, Marius (autor)
Un probleme d'analyse sequentielle por les systems aleatoires a liaisons completes |
649-652 |
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MIRON, Radu (autor)
OPAIȚ, Gheorghe (autor)
Sur les espaces affines generalises |
653-660 |
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OPROIU, Vasile (autor)
Commections in the semiholonomic frame bundle of second order |
661-672 |
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STANCU, D. (autor)
Use of probabilistic methods in the theory of uniform approximation of continuous functions |
673-691 |
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TAKENS, F. (autor)
On the didderential forms, reprezenting the chein and Euler classes |
693-702 |
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TELEMAN, Silviu (autor)
La representation des anneaux reguliers par les faisceaux |
703-717 |
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COROI-NEDELCU, Mariana (autor)
Boolean Methods in Operations Research and Related Areas - Hammer P.L., Rudeanu Sergiu |
719-720 |
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COROI-NEDELCU, Mariana (autor)
Proceedings Inited States-Japan Seminar on Differential and Functional Equations |
721-721 |
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COROI-NEDELCU, Mariana (autor)
Approximation d'operateurs linaires et applications - Cherrault Y. |
721-721 |
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COROI-NEDELCU, Mariana (autor)
Numerical methods for two-pont biundary-value problems - Keller Herbert |
722-722 |
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COROI-NEDELCU, Mariana (autor)
Nonlinear partial equations - William F. |
722-722 |
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CRISTESCU, Nicolae (autor)
The physics of Large Deformation of Crystalins Solids - Bell James |
723-723 |
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HALANAY, Aristide (autor)
Optimization in contron theory and practice - Gumonski J., Mira C. |
723-724 |
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IOSIFESCU, Marius (autor)
Les modeles stochastiques d'apprentissage - Rouanet H. |
724-725 |
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ISTRĂȚESCU, Vasile (autor)
Analyse harmonique commutative |
725-725 |
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LUSZTIG, Gheorghe (autor)
O(n)-Mannigfaltgheiten exotische spharen und singulartaten - Hirzebruch F., Mayer K. |
726-726 |
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POPESCU, Nicolae (autor)
Completions of Categories - Lambek Joachim |
726-727 |
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RUDEANU, Sergiu (autor)
Initiation concrete a l'algebre abstracte - Sawyer W.W. |
727-727 |
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RUDEANU, Sergiu (autor)
Truth functions and the problem of their realization by two-terminal graphs |
728-729 |
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ȘABAC, Mihaela (autor)
The number systems and operators of arithmetic - Klose Orval |
729-729 |
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TOMESCU, Ioan (autor)
Techniques booleennes et calculateurs arithmetiques - Chinal J. |
729-730 |