Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain

Anul Număr Realizatori Nr. Articole
1996 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 1, anul 1996 BERNEA HORIA (director) , MANOLESCU ANCA (redactor responsabil) , Ilișiu Ioan (redactor) , NICOLAU IRINA (redactor) , Popescu Ioana (redactor) , Rădulescu Speranța (redactor)
1997 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 2, anul 1997 BERNEA HORIA (director) , MANOLESCU ANCA (redactor responsabil) , Brădeanu Adina (redactor șef adjunct) , Ilișiu Ioan (redactor) , NICOLAU IRINA (redactor) , Popescu Ioana (redactor) , Rădulescu Speranța (redactor)
1998 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 3, anul 1998 BERNEA HORIA (director) , MANOLESCU ANCA (redactor responsabil) , Brădeanu Adina (redactor șef adjunct) , Ilișiu Ioan (redactor) , NICOLAU IRINA (redactor) , Popescu Ioana (redactor) , Rădulescu Speranța (redactor)
1998 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 3, nr. în TOM: Supliment, anul 1998, La mort et l'enterrement dans le Gorj du Nord Bernea Ernest (autor) , BERNEA HORIA (director) , MANOLESCU ANCA (redactor responsabil) , Brădeanu Adina (redactor șef adjunct) , Ilișiu Ioan (redactor) , NICOLAU IRINA (redactor) , Popescu Ioana (redactor) , Rădulescu Speranța (redactor)
1999 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 4, anul 1999 BERNEA HORIA (director) , MANOLESCU ANCA (redactor responsabil) , POPOVĂȚ PETRE (redactor) , NICOLAU IRINA (redactor) , Popescu Ioana (redactor)
1999 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 4, nr. în TOM: Supliment, anul 1999, Muzeul de la șosea POPOVĂȚ PETRE (autor) , BERNEA HORIA (director) , MANOLESCU ANCA (redactor responsabil) , NICOLAU IRINA (redactor) , Popescu Ioana (redactor)
2000 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 5, anul 2000, Bucarest au temps du communisme : résistance, normalité, survie / Bucharest in communist times: resistance, normality, survival BERNEA HORIA (director) , MANOLESCU ANCA (redactor responsabil) , NICOLAU IRINA (redactor) , Popescu Ioana (redactor)
2001 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 6, anul 2001 MANOLESCU ANCA (redactor responsabil) , NICOLAU IRINA (redactor) , Popescu Ioana (redactor)
2002 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 7, anul 2002, The eighties in Bucharest Giurescu Dinu (director) , Popescu Ioana (redactor responsabil) , Vinea Ana (redactor șef adjunct) , NICOLAU IRINA (redactor) , Mihalache Carmen (redactor)
2003-2004 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 8-9, anul 2003-2004, Between Homelands / Entre patries Florian Mirela (redactor responsabil) , Popescu Ioana (redactor șef) , Anghelescu Șerban (redactor șef) , Gheorghiu Mihai (redactor) , POPOVĂȚ PETRE (redactor) , Manoliu Vlad (redactor) , Vinea Ana (redactor)
2005 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 10, anul 2005, The Colours of Transition
2006 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 11, anul 2006, Museums and Society / Musées et Societé
2007 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 12, anul 2007, Stonehouse
2008 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 13, anul 2008, Artcraft Market
2009 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 14, anul 2009, Patrimony and Local Identity / Patrimoine et Identité locale
2010 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 15, anul 2010, Writings lost & found / Textes de tiroir
2011 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 16, anul 2011, Towards an anthropology of success / Pour une anthropologie de la réussite
2012 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 17, anul 2012, Everyday life during communism. History, memory, oblivion / La vie quotidienne pendant le communisme. Histoire, mémoire, oubli
2013 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 18, anul 2013, Remembering Childhood
2014 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 19, anul 2014, The Agrarian Question – a Historical and Political Economy Outlook
2015 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 20, anul 2015, Bodies / Matter – Narratives of Corporeality
2016 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 21, anul 2016, A Place for Hay. Flexibility and Continuity in Hay-Meadow Management Iuga Anamaria (coordonator) , Iancu Bogdan (coordonator)
2017 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 22, anul 2017, Back to the future. Creative traditions in the 21st century Mihăilescu Vintilă (coordonator) , Iancu Bogdan (coordonator) , Iosif Corina (coordonator)
2018 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 23, anul 2018, Curating change in the museum Bădescu Gruia (coordonator) , Bădică Simina (coordonator) , Oțoiu Damiana (coordonator)
2019 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 24, anul 2019, Politics of memory: the collecting, storage, ownership and selective disclosure of archival material Iosif Corina (coordonator) , Iancu Bogdan (coordonator) , Șerban Iris (coordonator)
2020 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 25, anul 2020, Marriage-making among Roma in Central and Eastern Europe: practices, imaginaries, economies Chirițoiu Ana (coordonator) , Tesăr Cătălina (coordonator)
2021 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 26, anul 2021, VISUAL ETHICS AFTER COMMUNISM Iuga Anamaria (Managing editor) , Crowley David (Associate editors) , Kapaló James Alexander (Associate editors) , Nicolescu Gabriela (Associate editors)
2022 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 27, anul 2022, FROM TRANSCRIBING ORALITY TO ORAL PRACTICES OF WRITING. RURAL AND POPULAR CULTURES IN THE DIGITAL ERA Iuga Anamaria (Editors) , PEJOSKA-BOUCHEREAU Frosa (Editors) , Krastanova Krassimira (Editors) , Iosif Corina (Editors)
2023 Martor - Revue d`Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain, 28, anul 2023, WITCHCRAFT, MAGIC, DIVINATION AND THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY KOMÁROMI Tünde (editor) , BENGA Ileana (editor) , NEAGOTA Bogdan (editor) , Iuga Anamaria (redactor) , Bădică Simina (redactor) , Chirițoiu Ana (redactor) , Iosif Corina (redactor) , MAN Sorana-Cristina (redactor) , Moisa Constantin (redactor) , RĂDOI Oana (redactor) , Tesăr Cătălina (redactor) , VARGA Sandor (redactor)