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BOBOC, Nicolae (autor)
BUCUR, Gheorghe (autor)
Cones convexes ordonnes |
283-309 |
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BREZULESCU, Alexandru (autor)
DIACONESCU, Radu (autor)
Sur la dualite de la categorie des treillis |
311-323 |
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CONSTATINESCU, Corneliu (autor)
Weakly compact sets in locally convex vector lattices |
325-351 |
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DUMA, Andrei (autor)
Uber die diskret bewerteten modulen in der nichtarchimedischen analysis |
353-357 |
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ISTRĂȚESCU, Vasile (autor)
A remark on Schwart norms for operators |
359-360 |
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KAMTHAN, P.K. (autor)
JAIN, P.K. (autor)
On entire functions represented by a Dirichlet series |
361-366 |
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KREINDLER, Elena (autor)
Remarques sur la familles libres de sous-objets |
367-370 |
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LIESS, Otto (autor)
Abstrakte characterisierung einer klasse linearer differentialoperatoren |
371-376 |
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MARCUS, Solomon (autor)
Sur la domination au sens de Kunze dans la kinguistique algebrique |
377-398 |
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The circle theoreme and the cylinder theorem |
399-409 |
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KESAVA, Rao (autor)
Stability of large elastic deformations. I |
411-418 |
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KESAVA, Rao (autor)
Stability of large elastic deformations. II |
419-430 |
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ROSENBERG, Ivo (autor)
Uber die verschiedenheit maximaler klassen in Pk |
431-438 |
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SĂCUIU, I. (autor)
Sur la notion de fonction de correlation d'un processus aleatoire |
439-444 |
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Eindeutigkweitssatze fur zwei randwertprobleme bei einer gleitchung vom gemischt-zusammengesetzten TYP |
445-454 |
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COROI-NEDELCU, Mariana (autor)
Opera matemastică - Sanielevici Simion |
455-456 |
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COROI-NEDELCU, Mariana (autor)
Approxination of Functions: Theory and Nzmerical Methods - Meinardus Gunter |
456-457 |
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CRISTESCU, Nicolae (autor)
Plastizitaldtheorie und ihre Anwndlung auf fosttigkeitdprobleme - Reckling K.A. |
456-457 |
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DELEANU, Aristide (autor)
Simplicital objects in algebraic topology - Peter May J. |
457-458 |
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GOGONEA, Sorin (autor)
An introduction in Fluid Dynamics - Batchelor G.K. |
458-459 |
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IORDĂNESCU, Radu (autor)
Linear Algebra - Greub W.H. |
459-460 |
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ISTRĂȚESCU, Vasile (autor)
Probability measures on metric spaces - Parthasavathy K. |
460-460 |
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MOROZAN, Toader (autor)
Stochastic stabulity and control - Kushner Harold |
460-461 |
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NICOLESCU, Miron (autor)
Analyse Mathematique - Garsoux J. |
461-461 |
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ONICESCU, Octav (autor)
Topics in the Theory of Random Noise. Vol II - Stratonovich R.I. |
461-462 |
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POPESCU, Nicolae (autor)
A first course in abstract algebra - Fraleigh John |
462-462 |
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RUDEANU, Sergiu (autor)
Introduction a la theorie des ensembles - Halmos Paul |
462-463 |
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TEODORESCU, P. (autor)
The mathematical papers of Isaac Newton - Vol. II |
463-463 |
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THEODORESCU, Radu (autor)
The theory of Max-Min - Danskin John |
464-464 |