- Subiect: At the beginning of 1940, The Front of National Rebirth Vaslui took actions in order to promote the single-party and the king Carol II, but also to inform about the state of mind of the people, about the actions which lead to dissatisfaction and ways to remedy these. In Vaslui County there were no major issues, but the people were dissatisfied in regards to the banning of cattle trade and high prices for farming utensils. February 1940 was dedicated to the anniversary of 2 years since the instauration of the royal dictatorship and the adoption of a new Constitution.
- Limba de redactare: română
- Vezi publicația: Acta Moldaviae Meridionalis: ActaMM
- Editura: Muzeul Judeţean „Ştefan cel Mare” Vaslui
- Loc publicare: Vaslui
- Anul publicaţiei: 2013
- Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXXIV; anul 2013
- Paginaţia: 235-241
- Navigare în nr. revistă: |< < 19 / 36 > >|
- Realizatori:  SPÎNU, Alin (autor)
- Descriptori:  EUROPA (corp ceresc), ROMÂNIA (stat), Vaslui (judeţ), 1940 (An calendaristic), Dictatura Carlistă (concept), Frontul Renaşterii Naţionale (Organizaţie)