- DOI - digital object identifier: https://doi.org/10.36935/angvstia_v26_2
- Subiect: Grigore Iscu was born on 21st of January 1912 in Poduri village, Bacău County. In 1924, he was chosen for the Orthodox faith as novice at Bogdana Monastery (Bacău County). During 1925-1942 he attended theological courses at high school and university. He was accepted as a monk at Tismana Monastery in 1932. He was ordained as hierodeacon and hieromonk. He became an abbot at Arnota Monastery (1937-1939) and was a librarian and an accountant at Cernica Monastery (1939-1941). During 1943-1945 he was a missionary priest of the Romanian Orthodox Church in Transnistria Region, protosyngellos and exarch of the monasteries from Oltenia Eparchy and an abbot of Tismana Monastery (1945-1948). He was a priest with an exceptional academic background and a very good administrator, with moral integrity and Christian awareness, he was much appreciated by the believers. He supported the National Anti-Communist Resistance Movement from Oltenia which was led by Ioan Carlaonţ and Radu Ciuceanu. They intended to organise a logistic point of the Movement at Tismana Monastery, being in contact with several members of Craiova Resistance group. Gherasim Iscu was arrested by Securitate members at 26th of September 1948 and he started his martyrdom. He was subject of repeated hard violence during inquiry, then he was tried by Craiova Military Court and sentenced to ten years of hard prison for his activity within National Anti-Communist Resistance Movement from Oltenia (14th of June 1949). He was kept in detention at Craiova, Aiud prisons and The Danube-Black Sea Canal (Poarta Albă/White Gate) work camp where he was subjected an re-education regime based on extreme violence and torture. In these inhuman conditions he became very ill, being transferred to Târgu-Ocna prison hospital. He resisted to extermination regime and to investigations which also implied tortures, preaching the Christian-Orthodox faith and encouraging his suffering brothers. In 1951, on Christmas Night, after he confessed and offered the Holy Communion to a prisoner who had previously been his persecutor at Poarta Albă work camp, the protosyngellos Gherasim Iscu has gone to Heaven. In 2021, he was proposed to be sanctified by The Romanian Orthodox Church..
- Limba de redactare: română
- Secţiunea: STUDII DE ISTORIE (History studies)
- Vezi publicația: Angustia
- Editura: Angustia
- Loc publicare: Sfântu Gheorghe
- Anul publicaţiei: 2022
- Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: 26; anul 2022
- Paginaţia: 95-108
- Navigare în nr. revistă: |< < 2 / 8 > >|
- Realizatori:  BELDIMAN, Corneliu (autor)
- Descriptori:  Biserica Ortodoxă Română, Mănăstirea Tismana, martir, rezistenta anticomunistă, Gherasim Iscu