- Subiect: This paper reports on the importance of natural environment evolution, especially the river valley environment and its impact on the evolution of human communities in the Neolithic Age. Researches were carried out in the Teleorman Valley, Lăceni-Măgura area, within Southern Romania Archaeological Project. Geomorphologic analysis revealed the existence of old terraces separated by palaeochannels. Remains of these terraces consist of sand and gravel islands and banks, a bit higher than the rest of the floodplain. Archaeological sites belonging to the Neolithic Age, the Iron Age and to the 4th century AD were discovered on these islands. The results of archaeological and interdisciplinary researches lead to scenarios regarding the natural environment and human communities from the 5th millennium BC. In the first half of the 5th millennium BC the environment of the Teleorman valley was probably unstable, not conducive for living and long term activities. The sites belonging to the Boian culture (first half of the 5th millennium BC), discovered in Lăceni area, and are of short-lasting time. In the second half of the 5th millennium the environment seems stable, so favourable for living and long term activities. This stability is proved by the emergence of tell settlements, characteristic for Gumelniţa culture, for example Măgura-Bran, Vităneşti, Alexandria, Lăceni. Some of them are placed in the floodplain near the terrace. Proves of floods were discovered in other areas of the Southern Romania leading in some cases even to the settlements abandon by the half of the 5th millennium. At Căscioarele, the Boian settlement is covered by an alluvium layer, as well as at Vidra settlement on the Sabar Valley. All these data seem to confirm that by the half of the 5th millennium there was an increase of the alluvial activity. After this it seems that the river-activity settled down (even though some certain episodes of increase of the alluvial activity are not excluded), proved out by the emergence of tell settlements.
- Limba de redactare: română, engleză
- Secţiunea: Studii şi articole
- Vezi publicația: Cultură şi civilizaţie la Dunărea de Jos
- Editura: Muzeul Dunării de Jos
- Loc publicare: Călăraşi
- Anul publicaţiei: 2005
- Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXII; anul 2005; subtitlu: In honorem Silviae Marinescu-Bîlcu, 70 de ani
- Paginaţia: 141-150
- Navigare în nr. revistă: |< < 12 / 31 > >|
- Realizatori:  ANDREESCU, Radian-Romus (autor)
- Descriptori:  Boian (cultură arheologică), eneolitic (epocă istorică), Gumelniţa (cultură arheologică), inundaţie (catastrofă), Măgura (aşezare modernă din România), Teleorman (Râu), tell (Sit arheologic), Vităneşti (aşezare modernă din România), Lăceni (aşezare modernă din România)